Health Coaching & Wellness

Complimentary Health History review

·       This is our starting point, this tool sets the stage for your health and lifestyle

·       We will discuss what has or has not worked for you in the past

·       This review will unlock hidden root causes of why certain issues exist

·       I will email you the form to complete prior to our meeting


Individual Assessment Consult $199

·       The individual session is all about YOU

·       In this session we will discuss topics on how to make you become the best version of YOU…  

lifestyle, diet, daily struggles, personal goals – no topic is off limits

·       A recap of this session will be emailed to along with the first steps to reach your happy place

·       After your first session I’ll include a complimentary 20 minutes follow up call 2 weeks later

 The starter program with coaching (30 days) $349

Individual 12 week Coaching Program $499

·       One scheduled private session monthly (60 minutes) with emailed recap and next steps

·       Weekly touch base calls to track opportunities and successes

·       Monthly Newsletter with the latest recipes and more

·       Includes discount to group session calls


Individual 6 month Coaching Program $599 (includes everything in the 3 month package plus)

·       An extra private phone consult monthly (30 minutes)

·       Weekly emails specifically designed to inspire the best YOU


Monthly Topic Group Sessions from $49 (per person)

·       A variety of topics will be available each month

·       You’ll receive an email with the session’s materials in advance

·       The discussion will last 60 minutes

·       (find information under More when sessions are available)


Other activities and events happen all the time:  Mind, Body and Soul Retreats, Salad parties, Soup Shares, Grocery store tours, Kitchen pantry makeovers and more!