Eating for Summer
Getting Wrapped Up for the Holidays
Being Thankful & Grateful
FALLING into the right routines and habits
a GUT feeling
May 2020
Listen to your GUT!
Join us to learn more on GUT health, monthly program $99
Benefits of a healthy gut
Weight loss ~ Mental health & mood ~ Cardiovascular health (heart disease) ~ Immune Health ~ Skin Health ~ Inflammation
Getting "gut healthy" is preventative against:
Colon cancer ~ Diabetes ~ IBS (reducing inflammation and symptoms) ~ Shortening of diarrhea ~Helps prevent obesity ~ Cardiovascular health issues ~ Metabolic disease ~ Mental Health ~ Skin Health
This months program teaches you more about prebiotics, probiotics, fermented foods and fiber importance in your diet. Sign up today!
Be the change you want to be. If you change nothing, nothing changes!
Ok I haven't done this before either, but I'm giving it a go for a couple of reasons. Meat is difficult for our systems to digestive. The current state of food production says we are going to have a "food shortage". It's really a "meat shortage" and I wouldn't call it crisis mood. We can live, eat and thrive on a diet without meat. I've been recommending for a long time to at least try Meatless Mondays. Look to my pinterest page for recipes of all kinds and I added a lot more MEATLESS.
BIG NEWS! Kara Farmhouse now offers Juice Resets out of a commercial kitchen. Limited availability. Contact Kara Farmhouse to get started.
More in May
~ 10 Day Guided Shred Program (only pay for cost of food supplements)
~ Move It, Move It! May exercise Program (Monday's in May)
~ Beginner Yoga Program (Tuesday's at 7:30pm)
~ NEW $129 juice REFRESH program, Includes juice ($99 to past clients)
Mind over Matter
Are you where you want to be? Make May be the month to focus on mind and body health. Many are suffering from depression in self isolation, our financial status or emotional state.
Better food choices, more moving, and a plan/routine all help. I can't stress enough the importance of a ROUTINE.
What is a SHRED 10?
It's a great way to jump start your health. And along the way you'll shred some pounds. If you aren't ready to shred consider bridging the gap with Juice Plus, whole food nutrition. Are you ready?
The shred is the best way to jump start your nutrition with whole foods!
Copyright © 2020 Kara Farmhouse; All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
202 Oak Street
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Living in a toxic world - what can we control?
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We live in a toxic world, but do we have to?
Much of the time what affects us is out of our control. As far as the affect of toxins, much of it is within our control - but only if we educate ourselves. This month Kara Farmhouse is offering a complete 30 day guided program so you will understand the toxins around us and what you can control. Contact Teresa at Kara Farmhouse (815) 919-7996.
This program explores many of the hidden toxins found in our everyday lives. I think I'm becoming obsessed. I've read three books on the topic already and just started my fourth. If anything, covid19 has freed up my schedule to do even more research. Remember, you can do this program anytime in case there's too much going on in your world right now.
How are we exposed to toxins?
The food we eat
The air we breath
The water we drink & the substances we touch...
No big deal... just everything in your life!
More topics I cover are:
What cleaning products should you avoid
How to read food labels
What cookware is good for cooking (and what isn't!)
How do toxins affect my hormones?
Understanding terms like MSG and GMO
Welcome to SPRING, enjoy some fresh seasonal ingredients. Did you know Mangos are a great addition to your diet for added Immunity Support? Who can't use more of that today?
Copyright © 2020 Kara Farmhouse, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
202 Oak Street, Frankfort IL 60423
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Oil Madness
Drink your way to Health
Tea Time
Get your 20 on in 2020!
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Starting 2020 with Big News!
I'm excited to share with everyone the exciting news: a new office for 2020! I'll be located inside Sports & Spine at Bankview Drive & LaGrange here in Frankfort. I love the team and have been a client myself there for many, many years. Kara Farmhouse is not changing, just adding a professional office space inside Sports & Spine. Working along with Sports & Spine is a great fit with Kara Farmhouse. Because our values and our ethics are very similar. We are all in the same mindset of making YOU be THE BEST VERSION OF YOU to live your happiest & healthiest life.
Can't wait for you to come visit! Set up an appointment today 815-919-7996.
Let's start off 2020 with leaving the past behind and starting fresh. Start by making one simple change and go from there. It isn't about being perfect, it's being better than yesterday. Find out more about Juice Plus, just ask for more information!
Goals, Plan, Action
What's your 20 for 2020
Journaling better I do some journaling from time to time but I'm going to make it a daily habit-even if it's just a word, a positive phrase or whatever pops in my head. I have some clients that journal both day and night. The benefits are so good for creating your "Happy"! Did you ever hear this: "The mind has a powerful way of attracting things that are in harmony with it, good or bad". It's true, happy is a choice. This one simple tool can change your perspective.
30 day challenge Move it Move it (mine is a squat challenge). Want to join me? Follow me on Instagram or on my website to find the simple steps. Share with me what your challenge is going to be. But do it- we all need to Move it Move it more!
Eating In Make a new recipe each week. With the holidays behind us, join me in getting back in the groove. I like to cook and truly this is another therapeutic tool for me as well. It's one of my happy places. I'll share on social media different and new ideas I'm up to this month. Look for recipes under my Pinterest page. And don't miss the veggie spaghetti recipe I'll be sharing for National Spaghetti day, January 4th. Do you know to look for Semolina Durum Wheat pasta, so yummy. Remember to check those labels, the less ingredients the better.
Travel Plans (explore more) I love an adventure, and certainly being married to Tom makes this easy. This is another happy place for me, knowing I have an event or travel plans coming up. Get it on the calendar, even if it's a day trip.
Book Reading Well if you know me, I live, eat, sleep, breathe to learn more about nutrition. So I've always got a stack of books to read. At the new office I have a library of books that you can borrow. I love to learn. This is way better entertainment for me then just another tv show.
Water challenge (I cured myself pf the water bottle fix by getting a new Berkey. It's here and I love it. This was on the list from last year. I was a plastic water bottle junkie - partially because I just didn't trust the water filtration system we have. No more worries now, I love the new Berkey, I'm sure I'll be sharing more on that coming soon on Instagram. This was one of my two Xmas gifts. The other is an Almond Cow (haven't tried it yet, more to come on this). Both of these were inspired gifts from you my clients (thanks MJ)!
Taking care of ME and ME time committing to a massage monthly. Yes, I'm making a commitment to do this monthly. I need more of this in my world. Also, I strive to be better at getting my facials (if you don't know about lymph node draining through a facial you are missing out on a true holistic beauty care benefit.) This month there will be more on skin care.
Donate Blood Sure I've done it but I always mean to do it more. I'm going to start that now. Watch for more information on where to donate. PS -January is blood donor month - who is joining me?
Volunteer I do this as much as I can so this is just more of a reminder not to quit. Give back to your local community. If you don't know where to start, try your local village, chamber, food pantry, schools, churches or really any non for profit organization that you want to support. All of this has been proven to do as much good for you as it does for someone in need. I loved more than anything this past holiday season making a difference in a group of children's holiday.
Eat more veggies (be conscious of this). I've fallen off the wagon a bit, even though I still get a decent amount of veggies in. A nod here to my Juice Plus, I feel good knowing even when I'm not at my best with fruits and veggies I'm getting huge benefits from JP. Of course, I get tons in my juicing now that I'm back on the wagon. Juicing truly makes me feel better and has made a big impact of many of the clients I work with. Cheers to more JUICE! I love my little juice tribe.
One month shopping ban and I'll tie this around shopping local when I can. I do a decent job here but come February I will not be out shopping for the month. I'm putting this off until February since I'm tweaking the office still. *Notice this month has the least amount of days in it!
If I own, use it, if not... pick one item to start with. In my case whatever I don't use I'll be donating it. Now that the kids are all out on their own I'm going to see what I really use and what I don't need. If you know me I can't stand the clutter. It consumes me, I go into OCD pretty quick, which is really bad for me to stay on task - I just get overwhelmed.
Grow a better garden the tower garden has been so wonderful! I can't even tell you the difference in the quality of lettuce. I've been experimenting with this since I got it last winter. It is the easiest thing ever. I want to do more by getting into a routine of planting seedlings to have ready to switch over when the plant stops producing.
Make a monthly goal to do one thing I’ve never done before Hmmm, what will I do... never have I ever... I'll keep you posted here if I find something you may want to know about. On my list I know is to try red light therapy (please share if you've tried it).
Live a little greener what can I do better? I've made lots of changes here in what I use around the house for cleaning. Big improvements here, but always more to do. I love my shaklee, melaluka and young living products. If you don't know about these products, just ask me. If you have something I need to know about please share with me.
Learn more I’ve become obsessed with podcasts over the last year. Mainly when I'm juicing like a crazy person (like later today), I love to learn something new off of a podcast. Again, I love when you share with me your favs.
Clean deeper I guess this has to do with item 15, but what I mean really is go extra deep. Room by room get it more clean and more organized. Which leds me to the next topic...
Organize again the clutter. We love spending time at our tiny cottage. One of the big reasons is there is no clutter, it simply doesn't fit. With our home, we find a way to keep everything which just develops clutter. I'm kicking the clutter habit this year for sure!
Inspire someone else, I try to live by this. I truly love nothing more than to help someone in need. Especially when it comes to eating and living a healthier lifestyle. I have been so touched by the impact of coaching. You all know who you are and you each are special to me. I think of many of you often and I'm so proud of the changes you have made. YOU did this. Keep inspiring, friends!
Be better than I was yesterday. I too, don't get it all done. Wish there was a way to develop more time, aside from cloning myself. Just like you I have to pick and choose where the importance lies. I also drop the ball from time to time. But more than anything I put myself first and this has allowed me to be the best version of myself that I can be for all of you. It’s not about doing it all, it’s about doing better. Thanks again friends for all the inspiration.
So much to share with you!
Check out my website and look under the more tab for just that, MORE! More on related stories, recipes and information to inspire you! Let's get this party started 2020!
Copyright © 2020 Kara Farmhouse, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
202 Oak Street, Frankfort IL 60423
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A Season of Giving
A grateful heart
The Spice of Life
An APPLE a day... does it keep the doctor AWAY?
A Kick in the GUT!
I’m bringing HEALTHY back… what?
Let's talk about HEALTHY living. Are you satisfied with your state of health? Do you feel at your best? Can one change really make a difference? It really can, watch this video to see why I and so many others chose Juice Plus to be a part of their healthy living plan everyday!
Healthy living is about getting back to the basics. Everyone needs the nutritional foundation that comes from eating a diet rich in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and berries. Unfortunately, many people can’t or won’t eat the recommended servings every day.
That’s why so many of us use the Juice Plus+ products as a powerful way to take healthy back in one simple change.
For more information, please contact me to take your HEALTHY back and make One Simple Change.
More information under the MORE section of
4th of July Safety
Children & Teens should always be supervised
Buy only legal fireworks. Look for the labels
DO NOT try to make your own fireworks
DO NOT try to shoot off fireworks out of your hands
Never use fireworks inside
Always store in a cold dry place.
Always have water buckets on hand
Wear protective googles, especially those igniting the fireworks
Always shoot fireworks away from all objects
Never allow kids to pick up used fireworks
Know your local fireworks laws
Fido and July 4th
Dogs and fireworks are not a good combination…
Lavender Oil, Thunder Shirts, Calming Treats, CBD oil.
Keep pets inside the home, if they are use to being crated and
feel this is their safe zone. They might be more comfortable being crated.
Make sure if your pets are outside to update their tags or chip information just in case.
Being home with your pet can make them more comfortable as well.
Other things to calm down Fido, playing music, distracting with TV (especially dog tv), Use toys and treats to distract them. For extreme cases consider contacting your vet for medications to alleviate the stress.
Why Juice Plus?
Healthy living used to be easy. We would eat food from the garden, drink from the water hose, and play until the sun went down. Somewhere along the line, living a healthy lifestyle became complicated…and we are on a mission to take healthy back!
What is the Healthy Living Revolution? We are a massive movement of people on a mission to inspire others to take ownership of their own health journey. We provide resources to support you on your journey, community and events to encourage and educate you, a simple way to flood your body with 45 fruits, vegetables, and berries every day, and a jump-start program for when you’re really ready to shed the unhealthy habits that are not serving you and establish new ones.
Copyright © 2019 Kara Farmhouse, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
202 Oak St, Frankfort IL 60423
In Season
I love eating fresh fruits and vegetables, especially when in season. I’m a Midwest girl, hard to get me on board all year round with raw foods (especially with my love for warm comfort foods ~ this past winter was a bit brutal!). But summer is coming so let’s try to eat some healthy, fresh, whole foods. There are Farmers Markets popping up every day so there’s no excuse to not have the freshest products on your table tonight.
Can eating healthy fruits and vegetables really be called a “DIET”? Here is my thought:
And really do you believe some of the crazy things out there like eat high fats will make you lose weight? A lot of these diets are meant to be used because of specific health conditions and are not long-term solutions. What I believe is eating whole foods, from nature the way it is intended. I’m bringing this up now because it’s the best time of the year to give it a try.
Start with a Reset
The best way to make a change is by hitting the reset button. This works with computers as well as relationships (trust me on that one!!) … it also works with your body. A proper Reset will help get rid of your brain fog, gut issues, laziness and give you a new Energy level you haven’t felt in years!
This means temporarily avoiding some of the things you may love. Caffeine, Dairy, Meats, Carbs/Gluten, Refined Sugars, Alcohol and processed foods…. Does this sound like it’s impossible? Give me a week and I’ll change your mind! (Read some of my testimonials on my website to hear how others have benefited by doing a Reset).
Looking for a Detox
Or if you’re looking for a Detox, my friend Kim Lo Bianco who is a Regenerative Detoxification Specialist. She is having a Detoxification Workshop on June 18th and June 27th at La Vie Vintage. Kim gave me this newspaper article copy from 1898 (see bottom of page for article) talking about a FRUIT DIET… the more I learn the more I return to how we treated things a long time ago… how interesting is this?
Coming soon…
Make It Happen
It's All About the Beans
Let’s face it, to be healthy your diet should be mostly fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts and seeds
Creamy cannellinis, meaty garbanzos, sweet adzuki, tender pintos, and so many more—beans are one of the most powerful, nutrient-dense plant foods around.
Consider this: Beans are packed with tons of fiber, as well as plenty of iron and protein. They are rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. They are low in calories.
Plus, studies have found them to lower risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
What To Do With Beans
Many people avoid beans because they just don’t know what to do with them. Are you one of them? Keep reading:
· Toss beans and diced veggies (such as celery, shallots, red peppers) with vinaigrette for a quick bean salad.
· Blend cooked beans with tomatoes, onions, and your favorite seasonings to create a yummy bean soup.
· Top a green salad with 1/3 cup of your favorite bean.
· Puree beans with a bit of olive oil, a garlic clove, salt, and your favorite seasonings. Voila! A fast dip or sandwich spread.
· Include 1/3 cup of beans with your other favorite toppings next time you make stuffed baked potatoes or sweet potatoes.
· Add 1/4 cup pureed beans to your favorite pancake, waffle, muffin, or cake recipe. You’ll be surprised at how moist and springy baked goods are when baked with beans.
If you’re new to cooking with beans, try these tips for delicious and well-cooked beans.
· Be sure to wash and clean the beans first.
· Soak dried beans for 8-12 hours before cooking (hint: cut a bean in half; if the center is still opaque, keep soaking).
· After soaking, rinse, fill pot with fresh water, bring to a boil, then skim off the foam.
· To aid digestion, add kombu, bay leaf, cumin, anise, or fennel to the water
· Cover and simmer for the suggested time.
· Remember: Only add salt at the end of cooking (about 10 minutes before the beans are done) or it will interfere with the cooking process.
· Quick tips: For speedier prep, boil dried beans for 5 minutes, then soak for 2-4 hours. Or use canned beans instead (some people find them even easier to digest!). Be sure to avoid canned beans with added salt or preservatives and rinse thoroughly once removed from the can.
Would you like help learning how to choose and cook healthy foods like beans? Curious about how health coaching can help you make your own healthy changes? Let’s talk! Schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today or pass this offer on to someone you care about!
I received my training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, where I learned about more than one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.
Learn more about my training and my unique approach to health coaching.
Inspired by you….
Skip to the Beat - Heart Health
This month the focus will be around heart health “Skip to the Beat” with Valentine’s Day right around the corner. This topic of heart health, like many other health topics, revolves around the most important aspect of nutrition - diet. Heart health focuses on anti-inflammatory diets (one of my favorite topics!, and it isn’t just for heart health) and it gets right to the core of my beliefs: we all should limit our Meat, Dairy, Refine Sugars, Processed Foods and Caffeine while increasing your intake of whole foods (or at the very least make quality choices).
Let’s jump right in! I don’t believe in going after a strict diet or eliminating everything from the beginning. Instead my approach is to add one simply healthy change at a time. By adding one change, you will automatically start to crowd out other bad choices. Here are some examples of what you can start doing today:
Cleaning up the diet by eating more:
· Dark Chocolate (70% or higher cacao)
· Berries (especially blue berries)
· Green Tea
· Whole Grains
· Leafy Greens (kale, collard greens, spinach)
· Cauliflower, Asparagus
· Chia seeds (more fun facts coming on this Super Food), Flaxseed
· More Garlic (quick tip: I double or triple the garlic in my recipes)
· Olive Oils
· Omega 3’s like salmon, sardines, mackerel and tuna (choose sustainable choices and low mercury options). Ask me about Juice Plus’s new Omega 3, plant based capsules
All of these are good for you (some in moderation), but yes these “do a body good” and can help reduce the risks of Heart Disease. Watch for more information in Bat, Crap, Crazy regarding studies on longevity and what these people are eating.
Crowding out the bad:
· Refined sugars
· Processed foods (white breads, pastas, crackers and cookies)
· Soda pop
· Fruit juices
These items you don’t need in your diet and are empty nutritionally giving you extra calories (actual makes you feel hungry and you’ll likely eat more)
Exercise / Stress Management:
· Commit to 3 times a week 30 minutes of walking (start shorter if you need too)
· Take a break, walk away, go outside for a 5 minute walk to reset
· Consider a yoga or meditation class (this helps me sleep)
· Spend time with friends and family that support you and your goals
· Make sure you develop your own tribe to go out have fun, laugh, cry and share - we are people who need connection. Find your person or people to connect with and confide in
Fun tip from Dr. Oz: Take your height and divided by 2, this is a rough guide to see how you are doing on your belly fat. Now measure the thickest part of your waist, hopefully it’s lower than that number. In my case, I’m 5’ 2” so divided by 2, my waist size should be 31” inches or less (at the thickest point). Don’t try to fool yourself with a “fake” waist size 😊.
Sleep Better:
· How is your sleep? Do you get at least 7-8 hours of solid sleep each night?
· Sleeping is key to good health and weight.
· Calcium develops in the arteries if you don’t get the right amount of sleep and is an early sign of heart disease.
Advice we already know:
· Quit Smoking if you can (maybe cut back if you can’t fully quit)
· Cut your salt intake
· Limit your alcohol
· Consume Zero trans fats
· Cut Saturated Fats (meat/dairy)
What I love about nutrition is the impact on our overall health. I believe in using whole real foods to help heal our bodies. I want to know what goes into my body and the cause and effect. Whatever we put in our body is either creating good healthy bacteria or helping bad unhealthy bacteria to grow. Remember, that one simple change starts you on the way to a healthier YOU!
Now keep in mind this is all about progress, not perfection. This month I will be posting tips and advice with recipes all aimed at Heart Health by lowering blood pressure and using more Antioxidants. Let’s do this together and make a difference with one simple change. Now it’s up to you. If this is just too much for you, contact me on how I can be a coach for you to put this in motion. My job is to make it easy for you to focus on the steps to get you to a more energized healthier version of you. Let’s work together and I’ll help you reach your goals.
Maybe your one simple change could be an annual check-up. When is the last time you saw the Doc? It is really a good idea to keep everything in check. This includes an annual eye exam, dental cleaning and exam as well as the other required check-up appointments necessary annually.
Now remember, these are my views and I always advise you check with your healthcare professional before making major dietary changes. I look forward to helping you become the best version of YOU!
Contact me for further information. Watch Facebook and Instagram for updates and healthy recipes are always added on my Pinterest Page.
Inspired by you…