Where good things grow!
I love eating fresh fruits and vegetables, especially when in season. I’m a Midwest girl, hard to get me on board all year round with raw foods (especially with my love for warm comfort foods ~ this past winter was a bit brutal!). But summer is coming so let’s try to eat some healthy, fresh, whole foods. There are Farmers Markets popping up every day so there’s no excuse to not have the freshest products on your table tonight.
Can eating healthy fruits and vegetables really be called a “DIET”? Here is my thought:
And really do you believe some of the crazy things out there like eat high fats will make you lose weight? A lot of these diets are meant to be used because of specific health conditions and are not long-term solutions. What I believe is eating whole foods, from nature the way it is intended. I’m bringing this up now because it’s the best time of the year to give it a try.
Start with a Reset
The best way to make a change is by hitting the reset button. This works with computers as well as relationships (trust me on that one!!) … it also works with your body. A proper Reset will help get rid of your brain fog, gut issues, laziness and give you a new Energy level you haven’t felt in years!
This means temporarily avoiding some of the things you may love. Caffeine, Dairy, Meats, Carbs/Gluten, Refined Sugars, Alcohol and processed foods…. Does this sound like it’s impossible? Give me a week and I’ll change your mind! (Read some of my testimonials on my website to hear how others have benefited by doing a Reset).
Looking for a Detox
Or if you’re looking for a Detox, my friend Kim Lo Bianco who is a Regenerative Detoxification Specialist. She is having a Detoxification Workshop on June 18th and June 27th at La Vie Vintage. Kim gave me this newspaper article copy from 1898 (see bottom of page for article) talking about a FRUIT DIET… the more I learn the more I return to how we treated things a long time ago… how interesting is this?
These foods help reduce allergies and their symptoms.
Citrus Fruits
Local Honey
Red Grapes
Coming soon…
Summer Paella Networking Event
Kara Farmhouse members will be invited to participate in our Summer Networking Event. We will pair a Paella dinner with a variety of Rose wines for tasting from our sommelier, Chole. Stay tuned for more details!