Living in a toxic world - what can we control?

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We live in a toxic world, but do we have to?

Much of the time what affects us is out of our control.  As far as the affect of toxins, much of it is within our control - but only if we educate ourselves.  This month Kara Farmhouse is offering a complete 30 day guided program so you will understand the toxins around us and what you can control.  Contact Teresa at Kara Farmhouse (815) 919-7996.   

This program explores many of the hidden toxins found in our everyday lives.  I think I'm becoming obsessed.  I've read three books on the topic already and just started my fourth.  If anything, covid19 has freed up my schedule to do even more research.  Remember, you can do this program anytime in case there's too much going on in your world right now.  

How are we exposed to toxins?
The food we eat
The air we breath
The water we drink & the substances we touch... 
No big deal... just everything in your life!

More topics I cover are:
What cleaning products should you avoid
How to read food labels
What cookware is good for cooking (and what isn't!)
How do toxins affect my hormones?
Understanding terms like MSG and GMO

Welcome to SPRING, enjoy some fresh seasonal ingredients.  Did you know Mangos are a great addition to your diet for added Immunity Support?  Who can't use more of that today?

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